Detecting Early Arterial Damage in Atherosclerosis: How Collagen Hybridizing Peptides Overcome Diagnostic Challenges
Atherosclerosis, characterized by the buildup of plaque inside human arteries, is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. The disease is brought on by a complex interplay between lipids, inflammatory cells, and the ECM. Arterial blood flow is restricted as plaques form, which can rupture to cause blockage. Arterial blockage, or occlusion, is...
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CHPs’ can Help Predict Liver Survival in Biliary Atresia
Biliary Atresia (BA) is a severe liver disease in infants, often leading to cirrhosis and death. Collagen Hybridizing Peptides (CHP) offer diagnostic and prognostic insights, aiding treatment decisions and organ transplant allocation.
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Delayed Fracture Healing in Obesity-associated Type 2 Diabetic Mouse Model
Explore more about the impact of obesity-related pre-diabetic hyperglycemia on bone healing using the DIO mouse model. CHPs help reveal that deficits in collagen microstructure leads to impaired fracture healing in obese subjects.
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3Helix Welcomes Three new Team Members!
3Helix is thrilled to announce the addition of three new members to our talented team. These new members bring with them experience and expertise that will contribute to our continued success. It is our pleasure to introduce Regan, Keelah, and Anthony to you all. Please help us congratulate them on joining our team! We...
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